Evening walk for singles

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The Czech landscape is one of the most beautiful in Europe. But the Czech dating landscape is often described as ”challenging” for expats, to put it mildly. We’re a small team of academics and artists looking to change that. We offer an alternative to speed-dating and the bar scene in Prague by curating interactive guided walks through nature. This May, we decided to put together an event in English. See below for all the details & hope to see you there! 

WHO: People ages 25 – 40 looking to date and make new friends. The event is suitable for active folks who can handle the terrain and the route. The event will be held in English. 

WHAT: A scenic hike through the lesser-known paths of Divoká Šárka. The route is about 6 km long and leads through terrain of footpaths and uphill. The hike includes an interactive program especially set up to help you establish contact with others safely and without embarrassment. The trip ends with a meal in a restaurant but whether you want to hang around longer is up to you. If you meet anyone you like, you can submit their names to us – and if it’s a match, we will let you know.

WHEN: The event will take place on May 27th. The evening walk starts at 5 p.m. and we will finish around 8 p.m. at the Libocký Pivovar restaurant.

With any questions, contact us at info@zaipo.cz The price includes the organization, preparation and management of the program during the event, 2 lecturers, material and mediation of contacts after the event. You will receive more information by email about 5 days before the event


Základní informace o akci

Termín akce:
27.05.2024 17:00
590 Kč
Minimální počet účastníků:
25-40 let
Místo konání:

Kde se akce odehraje?

Divoká Šárka is like a hidden spot in Prague that’s totally worth checking out. It’s a calm getaway from the city rush, making nature lovers and those looking for a peaceful break really happy. The Divoká Šárka nature reserve is located on the rocky slopes of the Šárecký stream (between the Džbán gorge and the Devil’s mill) and on the steppes above it, especially on its right bank. The steppes then turn into a vast forest, which creates one of the largest parks in Prague.

Over in Divoká Šárka, you can step into a fairytale-like natural world. There are big rocks, thick forests, and a peaceful river – all making a nice backdrop. If you’re up for it, you can even take a dip in those clear ponds or walk the twisty paths to catch some beautiful views.

A romantic rocky valley associated with the legend of Šárka and Ctirad, which allegedly took place in the local forests. The vast forest area on the territory of Prague acts as an oasis in the hustle and bustle of the big city and surprises every new visitor with unexpected natural scenery.

Jaký bude program?

Here’s what you can anticipate at the event:

  • An ice-breaking introduction
  • A chance for personal reflection using prepared questions
  • A program designed to help you learn more about others and engage in longer conversations
  • A walk exploring the region from viewpoints, uncovering lesser-known places and routes
  • Additional activities that offer a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow participants and engage in intriguing conversations
  • The conclusion of the trip, followed by a restaurant gathering which will already under your lead (and expenses 🙂 )

Co se o našich akcích říká?

Super nápad, kreativní způsob poznávání nových lidí!


Přijde mi jako dobrý nápad spojit turistiku a lidi co mají přírodu se seznamováním. Je tady minimálně jedno pojítko pro všechny.


Byla jsem už dvakrát a pokaždé jsem si program užila.


Skvělý způsob seznámení. Líbí se mi, že je to spjaté s procházkou a že se pak přihlásí lidé, kteří mají stejné zájmy.


Poznávací výlet moc oceňuji jako aktivitu na seznámení se s novýma lidma. Oceňuji i aktivity v průběhu výletu díky kterým jsme se víc rozmluvili a poznali. Věřím, že se vám bude dařit!


Pokud jste unavení ze seznamek, psaní atd., tak tohle je super varianta. Sešlost skvělých lidí se kterými by člověk i rád poseděl v hospodě.


Pohodový výlet s pohodovými lidmi.


Je to dobrý nápad. Sejdou se lidi, kteří mají rádi přírodu, turistiku a plus je zajištěný program.


Mohlo by se vám líbit